Think, Pray, Read 🙏🏼

I’ll be honest, self care is not something I am great at.⠀

When you love what you do, it’s easy to get caught up in it when it becomes your life.⠀

So finding time to turn my phone and computer off at a certain time during the evening is so helpful for me.⠀

I have been using the Time Limit feature on my iPhone and laptop lately, and it has been a game changer!🙏🏼⠀

Each night at the same time, my social media, business texts and email app shut down. I don’t receive any notifications, no beeps or dings.⠀

With the Time Limit feature, you can have the specific apps stay off until you want it turned on in the morning.⠀

Morning time is so important! Having quiet time to think, pray, read the Bible and get ready for the day is so beneficial.☀️⠀


I forgot to mention, the phone is still off during this time.🙌🏼⠀

I can get so caught up in the day to day and forget to think. ⠀
I know that sounds strange.🤯⠀

But really think. Think about bigger things, what I want to do in our business, what I want to do in our life, what is God saying, etc…⠀

The best thing you can do for yourself is create time to think.⠀

I do my best thinking either sitting down with a blank note pad in front of me or taking a walk outside.💪🏼⠀

I encourage you to schedule time for yourself today to think, pray, read or all of the above.