Limit Yourself From Too Much Work

Lauren Bethany Photography - Branding Session

Since Colin and I work from home (on days we don’t have photo sessions), we don’t have a set “start” or “finish” time to the work day. ⠀

We LOVE what we do. We love creating, tracking, planning, marketing and all that comes with running a business. ⠀

We could easily work 12+ hours, if we didn’t cut ourselves off...😂😂 You gotta love what you do, right!! We just have so much running our business!⠀

BUT...we can’t sustain a healthy life if we don’t set boundaries. ⠀

We have a rule in our house. ⠀

Work stops at 5:30pm. Our phones settings up for screen time pop on and block us from getting on social media. ⠀

We take this time to wind down, eat dinner together, workout, and rest our mind. ⠀

I’ll be honest, sometimes we are itching to stay on our laptop and keep creating. ⠀

But we have to think long term. So this is a developing habit, that I know we will greatly appreciate doing. ⠀

We already enjoy the evening time that has been created by setting limits for ourselves. ⠀

For those of you that work at home, do you have a set “finish” time for the day?👇

If you are interested in learning more about photo sessions, visit us over at: