
The other day I realized that my new camera lens was taking photos that weren’t that clear and crisp. ⠀

I was feeling frustrated but after doing some research, I learned I needed to calibrate my lens to my camera. ⠀

Meaning of calibration: correlate the readings of (an instrument) with those of a standard in order to check the instrument's accuracy. ⠀

Good new lens is now calibrated to my camera and taking sharp photos. ⠀

Even better news...this situation taught me that I need to be calibrated spiritually by spending more intimate time with God. ⠀

When we come to God and read His Word, it is the standard given which aligns our thoughts, what we believe to be true. ⠀

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is His good, pleasing and perfect will.” - Romans 12:2⠀

Every week, Colin and I take a Pray Day. A day to spend with The Lord, read His word, pray, and re-calibrate our minds on The Kingdom and not of the worlds worries. ⠀

It has transformed my life and I look forward to this one day every week. No distractions, no phone, no computer. Just Jesus. ⠀

If you only have 30 minutes of undistracted time, perfect! If you have a full day to give God, great! ⠀

It’s not about the amount of time, but the act of telling God that He is more important than everything else, and you will put time aside today to spend with Him. ⠀

Trust me, you will love every minute of undistracted time with your Father. ⠀

I encourage you to take time this week to spend alone with God. ⠀

Perhaps you too, need calibrating.

If you are interested in learning more about photo sessions, visit us over at: