Creating The Perfect Bio

Lauren Bethany Photography - Making The Perfect Bio

Your Instagram bio is the first thing your viewers will see when visiting your page.⠀

If they are looking to work with you, it is KEY that you fill the bio with all the important information they are looking for so they don't skip over you.⠀

The Top 5 Things You Need In Your Instagram Bio:⠀

1️⃣ Who You Are: Your name, your business name⠀

2️⃣ What You Do: Your business name and the service you provide⠀

3️⃣Your Location: What city/state do you work in⠀

4️⃣ Something for them to remember you by: Something quirky or fun you like⠀

5️⃣ A link to direct them to your website, sales funnel, blog, etc...⠀

🌟Bonus: Emojis help attract the eye, so use them.⠀

There you have it!⠀

Now use this info and go act! ⠀

Create your bio to help sell you, YOU GOT THIS!🙌🏼