Jesus Paid It All ✝️

Lauren Bethany Photography - Branding Session

Jesus took all of our sin to the cross, so we could live in freedom with Him!
He defeated death once and for all!! While He was hanging on the cross, soldiers were mocking Him, yet He forgave them, He was dying for them.
He had you in mind while He was being crucified on the cross.
Let that sink in.
As He gave up His spirit, the vail was torn, darkness filled the sky and dead bodies were raised and walking throughout the city.
Talk about a wild sight!!!
When all this took place, those that did not believe began to believe and said, “surely He was The Son if God.”
Jesus is the King.
Lord of All.
The story didn’t end there.
Not only did He defeat death, He rose from the tomb!! Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides those who believe.
This wraps up the whole reason God sent His only son to earth.
To die a death that we never have to die, if we live for Him. 🙏🏼

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