Get To Know Me A Little Bit

Brand Photography

Hey there! I want to introduce myself to many new faces we have around here.👇⠀

My name is Lauren. I am your local Brand and Headshot Photographer in DFW. ⠀

I handle all the client management and fulfill the photo sessions and my husband, Colin does all the marketing. ⠀

We absolutely love working together. It’s a dream!⠀

You may see Colin at some of the photo sessions helping set up or move heavy furniture around. He’s the best!⠀

We have a passion in helping business individuals understand marketing techniques as well as providing them with bright, fun photos to make their marketing very appealing. ⠀

I’m 24 years old, been married for 3 years, and love creating and brainstorming with Colin. ⠀

We both are originally from New York, but think Texas is the greatest state ever!⠀

We both drink our coffee black, love abiding with The Lord, and live to glorify and magnify Jesus name!⠀

We live a pretty simple life. A life that we love doing together. We strive by creating fun business ideas together and have so much fun doing it. ⠀

Now you know a little bit more about Colin and Lauren.🥰

If you are interested in learning more about photo sessions, visit us over at: