Create Your Shot List

Do you ever scroll through Pinterest and see images that really match your brand style?

If you have been thinking about booking a branding session for yourself, start with creating a vision board on Pinterest.📝

Once you have the style you love in mind, the next step is to start thinking about the photos you know you will need and start creating a shot list.📸

A shot list is crucial to have for your branding session (which I will help you create on our planning call).🌟

Maybe you need a specific banner photo for your website or a new lifestyle image for your about me page, maybe you only need updated Instagram account…

Beautiful photos of yourself are great to have, but when they are specific to your vision, style and business needs, that is when these branding images become valuable.💕

Start looking through Pinterest and create that shot list! I can’t wait to see what you come up with. 👌

If you are interested in learning more about photo sessions, visit us over at: