What To Wear To A Branding Session

One of the main distinctions between our Mini and Full branding sessions is how many outfits you can bring.

👉 For a 30 Minute Mini Branding Session in a Model Home, you can wear 1 outfit and layer it with a jacket, sweater or blazer. This allows more time for capturing photos of you and makes it easy to dress up and dress down an outfit.

👉 For a full 2 hour Branding Session in studio or model home, bring your 4-5 outfits. This gives you a great variety of looks to scatter across your Instagram for the next 6+ months.

What outfits do you prefer to have in your branding images….cute and comfy or professional and business?👇

If you are interested in learning more about photo sessions, visit us over at: www.laurenbethanyphotography.com/lbp-inquire

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