Client Experience

Lauren Bethany Photography

Who here loves when you pay for an experience and it turns out being way better than you expected and you actually received more than what you paid for?⠀


I think we can all agree that a great experience is priceless!💵

When you work with me, that is my #1 priority; to create an incredible, smooth, fun process for you.⠀

From the first time we talk, to the booking process, to the planning stage, to the actual session, and to the gallery delivery, I want you to think to yourself…”Wow, that was easy and I actually enjoyed it.”⠀

I want to hold your hand through the whole process so you can be given the best experience possible.⠀

At your photo session you will receive a cold water bottle, a little snack (kind bar), and your favorite music playing!🎶

That’s not all!🙌🏼

Once the session is done and you are packing up to leave, I will hand you your client gift! (’s a surprise!🎁

Let’s just say you will be able to use the gift as soon as you leave the studio.⠀

I want to add as much value to you during the time we work together, so I am open to hearing some ideas you have!⠀

🔹What are some ideas that you would love to see added to the client experience?⠀

🔹If you have worked with me, what did you think of the client experience?⠀

Drop your answers below and I would love to use them!!👇

If you are interested in learning more about photo sessions, visit us over at: