Lauren Bethany Photography - Branding Session

Developing daily habits that turn into instincts…
This is so profound! Studying the book of Proverbs really opened my eyes to gaining wisdom and understanding. I have found success in growing my Photography business, but I realized, how can I continue without developing myself constantly.

We are faced with thousands of decisions a day. Sometimes there isn’t a clear right or wrong answer, but one choice may cause you to value your time and the other choice may cause you to waste your time. It all goes back to time. Time is a gift from God that we are given each day.

The question is: What are you doing with the time you have? So often I catch myself scrolling through social media (wasting time), putting on Netflix (wasting time). Although those activities may be something I enjoy, I am not walking away from that disciplined. This is so important!

Once you start realizing how majority of the world thinks (including me), you will quickly want to learn the exact opposite! Just a few weeks of changing how I think and where I use my time, has impacted my life greatly! I have started to read self development books and building disciplines that are quickly becoming instincts.

If you know you aren’t living at the full potential that God designed you to be, do something about it! The best time to start was yesterday, the next best time is today. Invest in yourself. You are worth it! It is easy to do the things we want to do, but it is just as easy to do the things we don’t want to do.

So how do you do that? I wish I had a more complex answer….but just start. Then do it again, and again…it will quickly become a habit. I am excited for this season of transformation and growth.

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