HE Is Lord Of All

God is good. It’s like He just keeps getting better and better and better everyday. ⠀

But what about the low seasons when it feels like He isn’t good and it feels like He can’t hear you?⠀

This is the journey of faith. ⠀

Even in those low moments, guess what...HE IS STILL GOOD. ⠀


Because sometimes our version of good and God’s version of good are not even in the same category. ⠀

What we think is good may be coming from our own desires and not God’s will and plan for our life. ⠀

He has your life story written out exactly how He has planned it. ⠀

And guess what....His plan IS THE BEST. ⠀

His plans are good. ⠀

Which brings us back to...God is always good. Even in the low moments, His plan is still better than our own desires. ⠀

Trust Him. ⠀

Abide in Him. ⠀

Spend time with Him.

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