Did You Know?

Did you know //⠀

That I am a Registered Nurse!⠀

These were my college graduation photos from 2 years ago. ⠀

Nursing school was a challenge, but it was a great victory to accomplish it. ⠀

A few months after graduation, I realized I didn’t have the same desire and passion to nursing as I did towards photography. ⠀

I always thought I had to make my love for photography a side business while being a nurse full time. ⠀

So I struggled with figuring out what to do. ⠀

I knew I would love to do photography full time, but felt a sense of guilt not pursing nursing since it wasn’t an easy degree to accomplish. ⠀

So I decided to do nursing part time and photography part time, thinking that would be the answer. ⠀

Still didn’t feel peace. ⠀

Through days of prayer and abiding with God to seek guidance, I finally decided to pursue photography full time!⠀

I felt such peace and knew this is what I have wanted to do all along⠀

A peace that surpasses all understanding, all from Jesus.

I knew this is what I have wanted to do all along.⠀

I have officially been full time as a photographer for the past 6 months, and it is the best job ever! ⠀

Best part is, doesn’t feel like a job because I am doing what I am passionate about and I love creating.⠀

So if you are anything like me and struggled going 110% into what you love, my advice to you is…⠀

Pray about it, seek His wisdom and guidance, and if you feel peace, then you know you are doing HIS plan for your life.⠀

If you are interested in learning more about photo sessions, visit us over at:
